Sacred Threads
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We are excited to announce that Sacred Threads will be moving to the Indianapolis area in 2025! Mark your calendar for our 2025 dates: September 25, 2025 to October 5, 2025. Venue to be formally announced once we have a signed contract.

Our new chair is Barb Triscari. She is putting together a new organizing committee. If you would like to help, reach out to her at .

We hope you are working on your artwork for our next call for entries. The deadline to enter is January 10, 2025.

Our Preview Travel Exhibit will debut at the International Quilt Festival in Houston in the fall of 2024. The artists have been selected. To see the list of included artists, click here. The travel exhibit will be on the road for three years. To see where you can view, it check out our travel page.

Arts in HospitalsSacred Threads is pleased to announce a collaboration with The Healing Arts Program at UChicago Medicine. Help us fill the walls of the hospital with uplifting art quilts. We need your art! Read our prospectus page and please enter. Read more.